Malcolm Searcy Voice Actor logo

 Character / Animation


voice work

Bringing the Energy

A voice actor who has been living his dream since 2016 working with a variety of YouTube channels and partners, including Nintendo of America. He has over 80+ videos that include his voicework. His distinct voice ranges from a friendly voice that can make you feel loved. A fun-loving goofball who can make you laugh. A confident hero who can inspire good into the hearts of men. And an energetic and conversational businessman who can be clear and concise.

Based in FL, Malcolm works in voice acting projects such as commercials, animation, video games, anime dubbing, cover songs and announcing. His knowledge of audio editing and techniques behind the mic makes for having clear and clean audio for all of your projects, with no extra hassle.

Please use the "Voice Work" links and the Youtube Channel Logo Link in the "Contact" section to view his entire Voiceover Resume.

Malcolm Searcy Headshot